Meet Dan
I’m a West Sussex based wedding and portrait photographer and have been for the last four and a bit years. Since before I can remember I have loved to take photographs, to capture memories. From the days of film to the current day I have developed my own style of working to get the absolute best from the people that I am surrounded by. Basically, to capture your story I aim to be invisible but everywhere.
I could use big fancy words to describe my style but that wouldn’t be me. Essentially I like to be real and take photos of natural events and connections between people. As we walk and talk together, we’ll share stories and laughs as we get your photo jitters out of the way. In between learning about you, you’ll likely hear a bit about my two little ones, they are growing up so so fast but they are incredibly cute, loving and are developing their very personal sense of humour (I have no idea where they get it from!).
Apart from that, I love to drink good coffee, spread real butter on artisan bread and I’ll probably end up talking with someone at your wedding about the amazing small breweries that we are so fortunate to have in this part of the world!
I so look forward to meeting you and, with camera in hand, documenting the real, awesome you.
Dan Swires-Hennessy
Wedding & Family Portrait Photographer
9 fab reasons to work with me
I like you for being you! Stiff and awkward hour long poses lead to images that look stiff and awkward. I like to create movement and life filled images. What I’m looking to capture is your genuine interaction, your real laughter, smile and the light in your eyes. And if you’re a bit more reserved as a couple then we’ll keep things softer and more intimate. I’m all about showcasing your best self in the most genuine way possible to make sure that you receive images that you’ll love.
I want this to be as easy an experience as possible for you. From the first phone call or email right through to the delivery of your album. I want this to be a stress-free process for you, it makes my job easier as well. I believe in good communication and being as clear as possible for you to help your special day flow easily.
I also believe in helping you out on your wedding day. Need help with button holes? I’m on it. Need help holding or hanging a heavy dress? I’ll do it. Need a glass of water? I’ll make sure it get’s to you. Need a moment to yourself? I totally understand. This day is about you and I want to do everything I can to make sure that my photography service reflects that.
You would never believe how many times I meet a couple for the first time and they share with me how they’ve been made to stand and pose for group photos at other weddings for hours on end! Not fun. Sure, I’ll make sure we build in enough time in your day for beautiful portraits but I won’t be wanting to keep you and your guests standing around for hours on end in the hot sun (or freezing cold!). This just takes away the time that you get to relax and be with your guests. I believe that if I’m prepared and can keep your guests happy while simultaneously ensuring that we don’t lose those true smiles or delight in your eyes then I’m getting the best photos possible.
In my personal opinion the best wedding photos happen when I allow things to happen naturally. I work in a photojournalistic style, this means that I’m flexible and am ready for whatever comes my way (within reason!). We can have the best made plans for a wedding day, but ultimately there are things that we can’t control and there isn’t much point in trying to. Need to change your timeline and just relax straight after your ceremony instead of running off to shoot portraits? Not a problem, I’ll adjust my workflow and give you some other options. Need to move inside because of that classic British summer? I’m prepared for that and will continue to get the best photos that I can for you. I don’t mind a bit of rain, comes with the territory, so I’m prepared to work in any weather! Truly.
I’m so surprised when I hear stories of people who have had to wait (shudder) years for their wedding images or (horror) don’t get them at all!! That’s certainly not the case here. I get just as giddy about being able to deliver your images as you do about receiving them. I always aim to get them to you as quickly as humanly possible. That said, I’m not sloppy, and I believe in delivering quality to you so it will take a bit of time. Even in ‘peak’ wedding season I’ll be aiming to ship your wedding photos to you within 6 weeks, it’s even in the contract!
I don’t just mean that I’ve been on the other side of the camera, it was a while ago but I still remember what it was like! I’ve got more than a few weddings under my belt… I’ve been a wedding photographer since 2014 and shoot around 25 weddings a year. I know how things typically go on a wedding day and can trust my instincts to guide me in knowing where and how to be. And if you’d like to use me as a resource to ask questions or get a bit of advice about the running of your day then fire away, I am more than happy to help.
One of the biggest choices that you’ll make as a couple planning a wedding will be the location of your venue. Whether that be a central London high end restaurant or a marquee on your family farm the love of your location is important. I get that, I choose to live in Chichester, just a stones throw from the South Downs and the sea. It’s important to me in my family imagery to capture the love of our beautiful surroundings. Just the same with your chosen venue, if it’s important to you it’s important to me too.
I don’t spend time setting up cheesy displays at wedding fairs or angling to get featured in bridal magazines. What I spend time on is making pictures. And working on pictures. And spending time on you (I don’t just work for you on your wedding day, it takes quite a bit more than that!). I want you enthusiastically shouting from the top of the Trundle (Chichester landmark) about just how much you love your photos and spreading the word near and far. So yes, delivering you the absolute best images that I can to you is my priority, always.
Over the years I’ve seen different trends in wedding photography come and go. It would be a lie to say that I haven’t changed as a photographer over the years but I don’t jump on every trend band waggon as it rolls on through. I want to create genuinely real images to you and that is in the way I shoot and edit. I want your photos to be the focus in years to come, not the editing or filter that I’ve applied.